Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Returning to old memories

Tonite I speak to the cell group leaders at Avonhead Baptist Church on the topic: Growing Together. They very graciously allowed me to move the date so I could go to Melbourne.

It feels sort of weird. Firstly, because the Nor-West festival teaching continues. I deliberately wanted a team of teachers. This speaking engagement ensured that would happen; me on Tuesday; Bob Robinson on Wednesday; Lynne on Thursday and Jason hosting each night to give continuity. So I am achieving what I aimed to do, but it is still wierd.

Secondly because the church I am speaking at is the church that sent me to train at seminary. They sent me to learn/grow and now I return to speak.

Thirdly, I am being asked to speak by the Small Groups Pastor, Stephen Jeon. He and his family used to be on team with us at Graceway. Stephen was an intern with us, working on trying to build a ministy with Korean migrants, and integrate them into an alternative.worship community . I learnt an aweful lot from Stephen and Hannah Jeon and their Korean friends.

So there are a fair few memories swirling around me today, as I work through some thoughts from my out of bounds book on Jesus, meals and community, and build on it further by trying to integrate with Myers, Search to Belong.

Posted by steve at 03:11 PM


  1. i know you’ve mentioned several times in church all about the nor west festival, but i still can’t get my head around why we are nor-west people. opawa/waltham is around the centre of christchurch, Chch is south east(in ratio to NZ as a whole) and NZ is in the south east of the globe. so why are we north west people?

    Comment by Andrew — May 18, 2005 @ 10:15 pm

  2. Andrew
    Canterbury is quite unique climatically in the northwest wind. And there is the beauty of the nor’west arch which we experience as Cantabrians. Hence the name — us experiencing the power of the nor’wester, us enjoying the peace of the nor’west arch.
    Hope that helps. How is your week going? I’ve had lots of positive comment on Sunday nite and how well you spoke.

    Comment by steve — May 18, 2005 @ 11:03 pm

  3. hope you managed to pick up the old picture of you and Lynne that was hanging around the church, from your days way back when you were involved with russley mob

    Comment by michael — May 19, 2005 @ 9:37 am

  4. yea that helps heaps. thanks.
    i wouldn’t say i spoke well last sunday, im not very good at talking up the front, but i suppose atleast i did speak, seeing i was not initially going to.

    Comment by Andrew — May 19, 2005 @ 10:29 pm

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