Thursday, June 01, 2006

reviewing carson

Beth Dickson has a very clever review of Don Carson’s Becoming Conversant with Emergent Church in Partnership Perspectives January 2006 (not online). Here are some quotes:

Carson believes strongly in the power of argument to persuade people. In reading his book what struck me most strongly was not so much the content of his arguments but the way in which he conducted them

Carson calls MacLaren ‘silly’ .. and constantly belittles his opponent instead of just disagreeing with him … the effect of emotive words such as ‘succumbs’, ‘elementary’, ‘distorts’, ‘excessively’ are relentlessly pejorative and shows that despite his grudging concessions, Carson makes little effort to be neutral and argues in the most personal terms

Carson seems to have no awareness of how such an unkind manner of arguing is likely to prejudice people against the argument, even if they generally share his point of view.”

Note to self: How I say things can be more important in communication than what I say.

Posted by steve at 11:09 AM

1 Comment

  1. Amen Bro – Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21!

    I only respond so zealously as one who has won a lot of arguments and lost a lot of wars… (I can so mix my metaphors!) ;o)

    Have a blessed QB weekend Steve and family

    Comment by Randall — June 2, 2006 @ 10:51 am

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