Thursday, November 03, 2005
stories of emergence
Stories of emergence. The recent history of Opawa Baptist is one of the decline, transition and growth. Steve Taylor will reflect on the missional thinking that has underpinned the development of growth coaching, café church, 24/7 prayer roms and “Take a Kid to Faith services.”
I’m doing 2 workshops at Baptist Assembly next Saturday (12th November) in Hamilton. I’ve been asked to share something of the Opawa story, around the title stories of emergence. I am going to try to frame it up around the out of bounds church? book. Because I’ve been reflecting on the Opawa journey and I actually think those postcards from the book:
:journey/spiritual tourism
have actually been at play at Opawa. From church plant to 96 year old church, from cafe style to established auditorium, it’s been the same underlying missiology. So I’m going to try to link
:midwiving with the planting of the espresso congregation and Take a Kid to Faith services
:creativity with 24/7 prayer room
:journey/spiritual tourism with evangelism-as-process and growth coaching
:community with leadership.
More links and ideas to follow. Might actually be a good 10th postcard for a reprint of the out of bounds church? book. (Or at least a page on the out of bounds church? book blogsite🙂
It would be interesting to see how people react, given that the approach is not the standard church growth stuff that has been so much a part of Baptist Assemblies – hope it goes well
Comment by Michael — November 4, 2005 @ 11:44 am
thanks for the warning Mike. I just accept the invitation – whether Baptist (or Anglican:)) – and take it as an opportunity to keep thinking and processing. There have been some quite encouraging signs among various key Baptist leaders this year.
Comment by Steve — November 4, 2005 @ 3:56 pm