Wednesday, July 28, 2010

talking mission head in the UK?

There is a UK research and networking conference I would love to attend in the UK on the weekend of 17-18 September. It looks a worthwhile conference, but it is a long way to fly for a few days. So I thought I would use the blog to flag the possibility and ask if any of my UK readers could use a talking “mission” head either before or after.

I have spoken in a wide range of denominational contexts (and can provide references – even a Bishop(!) – if wanted). I can engage at both academic and popular level. My interests are in mission, leadership, change.

More concretely I have recently been found talking on

  • leading an established church through change, the practical and spiritual challenges of a “mixed economy”
  • worship, and proclamation, as a creative conversation between installation art and the evolving live performances of band U2
  • theology of pop culture, using pneumatalogy and Luke 10 as a lens
  • cultivating innovation in leadership and communities
  • hospitality as mission, particular as it related to their turf, not ours
  • how colonised communities resist their colonising cultures, with a specific focus on Bible reading practises
  • fresh expressions downunder, including use of lay teams, public art installations and spirituality2go

If you think I could help serve you, drop me an email steve at emergentkiwi dot org dot nz

Posted by steve at 06:02 PM

1 Comment

  1. Your e-mail address did not work…..

    Ok- where is this conference? David Goodall (who I think you have met) are in the frozen North (near Darlington, which is about 40 mins south of Newcastle). Our Methodist District also has strong links with Durham University and the theological college there (I don’t know if you have heard of CODEC- you may want to google it- that is also there and Pete Phillips who is there used to lecture me at Cliff College- I think your interests overlap)

    Just making contact to see what possibility emerges.

    nb: and it is a bit of a cop out e-mailing as I’m away for 3 weeks now- David ( is around though…

    Comment by Graham — July 29, 2010 @ 5:43 pm

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