Thursday, September 09, 2010

tricky theology question from a 10 year old

A delightfully agile 10 year old threw me this question last week.

How do you know that God is the most powerful one? What if there was someone more powerful, but they have been keeping that hidden?

I’d be grateful for any insights, ponderings and musings from you, my intelligent readers.

Posted by steve at 04:22 PM


  1. great question! If I had to answer the question I might start by saying that one way of defining God is that when you get to the end of everything, and there’s nothing left to hide, that IS what God is, and your previous idea of God wasn’t big enough. But my usual answer to my own son when he’s asked complicated questions has been more like – “that’s a great question, maybe it’s x, maybe it’s y – but what do YOU think the answer is?” and every now and then he comes up with a fantastic answer. So even if I lobbed a few possibilities back, I would always go for the “what do you think?” response. I love the way smart kids come up with imaginative ways of answering their own questions. see here:

    I see you are in England – hope you have a fantastic time, and if you’re doing anything down south let me know and I’ll come and find you!

    Comment by maggi — September 9, 2010 @ 4:48 pm

  2. Hi Maggi,

    Appreciate the insights.

    I’m doing 3 things at Spurgeons with their post-grads on the Wednesday, Sept 15. All around the theme of faith and contemporary culture, some of my work that is about the published,


    Comment by steve taylor — September 10, 2010 @ 8:56 am

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