Tuesday, September 04, 2007

turn this post into a prayer

I needed this today: a post written by the female emergentkiwi, who is undertaking a most excellent spiritual discipline, that of paying attention to God’s world by taking a photo a day for a month. Anyhow, here is the post that I am turning into a prayer:

Piano tuners must have the awesome ability
to hear what is becoming, not just what is.
To listen and tune for the future
and not be put off by the current dischord.
A useful skill for anyone
who works with people and things
that are less than perfect
and yet capable of more.

And here is the picture:

Posted by steve at 06:26 PM

1 Comment

  1. That is a brilliant image and it will last long in my mind – thanks Lynne.

    Comment by Andrew — September 5, 2007 @ 9:55 am

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