Sunday, October 04, 2009

u2 conference: Until end of world, finding Jesus in music of U2

Easy to find Jesus in U2’s music. But what is the nuance?

U2’s Jesus does not promote dark apocalytpicism, but hopeful optimism for encountering heaven on earth. This eschatological Jesus propels them into social action. With three strands:
– New life extended to human king thru death
– New life is a hopeful vision of future
– New life is real earthly vision of Kingdom of God following Jesus example.

Albert Schwiezer, Quest for Historical Jesus. The various portraits of Jesus in gospels, so search for the authentic, historical figure? The search was missing eschatology.

Key to understanding Jesus and music of U2 is to understand things eschatologically. Looks at lyrics in songs. (Steve’s comment: But this is an interpretive leap, his interpretation of another’s poetry. And can you reduce music to lyrical study?)


One Tree Hill:

Until the end of the world: from perspective of Judas.

Still haven’t found what I’m looking for: Stockman “a concise creed of redemption.”

Yahweh: Bono “I don’t believe in pie in the sky. I like “Your kingdom Come” On what heaven on earth.”

Wake up dead man: a Psalm of lament. Biblical psalm’s all is not lost. Bono’s vision of Kingdom here and now. Interview 1987.

So is a poet a theologian? Can the lyrics of a poet be subject to this scrutiny?

For other posts on U2 conference go here.

Posted by steve at 04:27 AM

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