Wednesday, April 27, 2011
a pioneer icon
Back last century, I attended a spiritual retreat in the the form of a weekend icon painting workshop. It was a fantastic experience, a mix of spirituality, creativity and theology that resonated deeply with me. Spirituality, because icon painting is an act of prayer, of becoming centred on God. Creativity, not in the sense of making from nothing, but in the mix of colour and hands on endeavour. Theology in that icons are God-talk, a careful and detailed attempt to articulate the human understanding of God. (I hope to blog a bit more about this over the next few days.)
One of my hopes in coming to Australia was that with the “ditchchange” (pun on “seachange“) there might be space to pick up icon painting again. Well, it took over 15 months, but an icon was completed last night. It’s one of the simplest icons, called “Christ the saviour.” Being a sort of first, for me it’s become a “pioneer icon.”
I looked around for icon painters in Adelaide, but found little. So in the end I brought a book and simply had a crack (something in there about pioneering I suspect!)
vivid. strong eyes. mouth awaiting speech. indeed, a waiting face. looking, waiting to speak. observing, and withholding. but determined. yet calm. eyebrows raised in expectation, hope. solemn, though. earthy colours. land. flesh. blood.
a spectacle.
I look forward to seeing it.
Comment by craig mitchell — April 27, 2011 @ 9:23 pm
thanks Craig. your ability to find words in a grainy www pic is exceptional,
Comment by steve — April 28, 2011 @ 9:40 am
Wow steve!! I too was caught by the colours…. and the sense of connectedness to the earth that they convey.
Comment by Jan — May 2, 2011 @ 4:17 pm
most likely to be the camera 🙂 or the colour settings on your screen 🙂
Comment by steve — May 2, 2011 @ 4:41 pm