Thursday, September 18, 2008
Creating a Culture of Adaptive, Innovative Missional Engagement in local congregations
Here is what I am doing with the Churches of Christ (South Australia) next week.
My brief is to help their ministers and key congregational leaders understand how they can liberate the missional imagination of their congregations and then to harness that in applied mission initiatives. Their five year goal as a denomination is to: Create a Culture of Adaptive, Innovative Missional Engagement in local congregations, “and anything you can offer which would add value to this would be appreciated.”
Here is where I am heading:
Session 1: Biblical frameworks for mission today. Placing Luke 10:1-12 in the life of a local congregation.
Session 2: Leading in mission. Placing Saint Brendan in the middle of contemporary leadership styles. Implications for local church and local mission.
Session 3: Ministry as listening and naming the Kingdom. Our world today, adaptive vs technical change. More of the Opawa Baptist story including multi-congregational approach and using Bible in community.
Evening Session (open to all): Leading through change. Some personal reflections on the challenges and opportunity of leading an established church through significant periods of change.
Wednesday, September 23, all day and evening, Happy Valley Church of Christ. Note that the evening is a stand alone session open to anyone.
if i lived anywhere in your part of the globe i would try to get to this day – it is all stuff i would love to engage with and learn more of – will you be posting more stuff online (i know some of this stuff you have spent a lot of time and effort putting on your blog before now)? it seems such a shame to be so far away from something so excellent !!
peace, julie
Comment by julie — September 22, 2008 @ 8:01 am
thanks julie.
one of my dilemnas is that i don’t have a “formuale” or set direction. it depends on what and who is in the room on the day. so everytime i speak, it changes, depending on what i am thinking at the time and how the group engages and their issues.
i am working on a book mss, trying to nail it all down. but even that does feel very sterile,
Comment by steve — September 22, 2008 @ 8:39 pm
it is tricky isn’t it – to capture the spirit of that kind of engagement – especially in words on a page – the main reason why i have not yet committed myself to that task even after all these years – i am glad for your postings online though – it is good that you share so freely all that you are doing – and i hope that the book thing goes well for you – it is tough to keep your head in one place in a tightly focussed way – quite a discipline eh ? !peace, julie
Comment by julie — September 24, 2008 @ 10:15 am