Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sabbatical update 4

Monday morning update (on a Tuesday)

the weekend that was: a 4 day trip to the outback – lotsa driving, lotsa walking, lotsa gazing in awe at big rocks in dry places, sleeping under stars, singing dingos and camel rides for the kids.

where i am at the moment: Parkin-Wesley with ears blocked. The C in Parkin Wesley is now for Construction, not for College. Office renovations are under way. Do I stay – with internet and security – or do I go to a cafe?

on my to-do list this week: speaking to Churches of Christ leaders here in South Australia on Wednesday. I have spoken twice to Churches of Christ in Victoria/Tasmania, so should be an interesting day.

procrastinating about: some emails in my inbox. I’m on sabbatical, but they keep rolling in …

book i’m in the midst of: Lollipop shoes by Joanna Harris. (A followup to the famous book/movie Chocolat).

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: Prefab Sprout – Adromada Heights, track 4 – Life’s a Miracle, a funeral request in honour of the life of blog-friend Tom Allen

next trip: trying to con friends into houseboating on the Murray River with us. trying ….

how i’m feeling about this week: tired – all these weekends touristing! great experiences, tired bodies.

Posted by steve at 05:07 PM


  1. Leave and go to a cafe – Cibo Espresso have free internet.

    As for Joanna Harris, I have her book the ‘Runemark’. Quite different in genre but not in style I ebelive. It is on my holiday reading list!

    CoC tomorrow – Cannot wait! Welcome to Happy Valley.

    Comment by mark — September 23, 2008 @ 6:00 pm

  2. Leave and go to a cafe – Cibo Espresso have free internet.

    As for Joanna Harris, I have her book the ‘Runemark’. Quite different in genre but not in style I believe. It is on my holiday reading list!

    CoC tomorrow – Cannot wait! Welcome to Happy Valley.

    Comment by mark — September 23, 2008 @ 6:00 pm

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