Sunday, March 03, 2013
nurturing the arts: arrival of complete boxed set
A thoroughly unexpected, thoroughly wonderful surprise this week, with the arrival of the complete boxed set of CS Arts magazines.
The vision of Chrysalis Seed was to ‘generate multiplying groups of artists in a subculture centred in Jesus’. The mission was to ‘equip artists to integrate their art and faith, and to reconcile art and faith communities’. For 14 years it existed as a Trust, with a principal mechanism including a magazine CS Arts.
Which grew, from 4 pages, to 52 pages, from black and white, to colour. It covered a wonderful array of topics, interviews with artists and curators, reviews, themed essays (including a few film reviews I wrote). It was free, always distributed widely, including to commercial galleries and studios. It drew praise and gained some very high quality interviews.
The focus was creating conversations with the art world, not meeting a Christian sub-culture and so it was always incredibly classy, in content, design and paper. The decision to make it a boxed set simply underlines the class, drawing attention to entire collection and the search for quality.
Looking through the editions, realising the growth, reading the range of topics, is struck me as a fascinating attempt at contextualisation – to have a conversation with a key area of culture. It would make an interesting piece of contemporary contextual research, to explore the themes over the time period, the sources it dialogued with, the way it sought to speak of Christ.
The Trust disbanded in 2010. Having started a conversation, it wanted to shift it from a centralised office with a magazine, to a grassroots set of networks. This now includes
- Four groups of Christian artists in Waikanae, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill.
- A social network of over 600 artists and supporters.
- A comprehensive library of art and faith materials available nationally to artists and students through Knox College, Dunedin Christian artists and activists networking throughout New Zealand.
- Regional gatherings of artists.
- All published CS Arts magazines available online (but not boxed:))
- A monthly prayer newsletter for artists, groups and arts institutions.
- Artists’ social network:
- An online community where artists and supporters of the visual arts meet and chat online, share ideas, news and information.
They have a forum here, a website here. All the magazines archived here. But not as a complete boxed set, because that will sit pride of place in my office! And maybe one day a research article. But not this sabbatical!
Thanks for the reminder mate. I hadn’t realised they now had all their resources on the web. Have a great day.
Paul 🙂
Comment by Paul Fromont — March 5, 2013 @ 5:38 am