Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Spirit of life Pentecost weekend


The Spirit of Life festival was our Pentecost celebration, building on the NorWest Festival held last year. The aim was to connect the Spirit with the whole of life

and so we offered a wide range of options; that included kitemaking and kiteflying


With 4 congregations, the weekend also allowed all-ages and all-congregations to mix.


The whole of life included storytelling; both story creating and story sharing;


Followed by the art installation and late night worship;


Complete set of photos here.

Sunday morning we worshipped amid the art installation. A feature was the kids blowing bubbles from the upstairs balcony; and the soft, slow descent of these fragile, rainbow coloured creations. Which lead to this comment:
This morning’s service was amazing.

My focus seemed to be most frequently upward, Godward, above my head.
Bubbles descended on us.
Shafts of lightning/polished twisted willow hung down from the ceiling.
We were invited to share community under these branches that symbolised the coming of the Spirit.

I found the whole thing enormously moving.

After an intensely busy weekend
focussed on the Spirit
I felt enormously blessed and touched by that same Spirit
as i worshipped and engaged this morning.

the gentle sense of God’s presence and peace.
The reminder that,
just as the leaves descending down the willow will dry and die,
so i need a constant replenishing/refreshing by the Holy Spirit.
And the lovely sense of that very thing happening.

And the mission reminder
that we aren’t just soakers, but are also givers.


Posted by steve at 12:19 PM

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