Friday, December 10, 2004

the white stones of spiritual protection

The ancient Celtic Christians used to place stones in a circle, to claim the protection of God. And for me personally, to step inside a circle of white stones is an immensely powerful experience. I have no idea why, but lay them in a circle, step inside them, and I feel the embrace of God.

I use white stones, because it links me with Revelation 2:17, where those who overcome are given a white stone. White speaks of purity and so to stand in the stones is, for me, to make a commitment to live ethically before Christ.

So I today, in the midst of a pastoral encounter, I laid out the white stones and stepped inside. Feeling weird, but experiencing yet again the physical presence of God.

Posted by steve at 05:20 PM


  1. Hi, I do the same. I’ve blogged on the subject at:

    I’ve also come across a couple of celtic ‘encircling’ or ‘caim’ prayers for use within those stone circle:

    Prayer #1
    Circle me, O God,
    Keep hope within,
    Keep despair without.

    Circle me, O God,
    Keep peace within,
    Keep turmoil without.

    Circle me, O God,
    Keep strength within
    Keep weakness without. Amen.

    Prayer #2
    The Mighty Three
    My protection be
    Encircling me.
    You are around
    My life, my home
    Encircling me
    O Sacred Three
    The Mighty Three. Amen.

    Comment by Jonathan — December 10, 2004 @ 11:18 pm

  2. Just like to say,that without realising it I designed a card for myself using a Celtic circular motive.It seemed appropiate @ the time and still does.I am also an ex kiwi and now reside among many others in WA australia.I came out of St Matthew-in the City and still find that they have something for me.
    cheers Tony

    Comment by tony "wu' — December 10, 2004 @ 11:28 pm

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