Wednesday, July 06, 2005

women and the emerging church

Excellent post by Dan over at signposts, reflecting on women and the emerging church. After a thoughtful and sensitive reflection on a range of issues, she concludes:

I think that we probably have a lot more work to do with the role of women (and men) in the church, and in the new missional church particularly. I am encouraged by the fact that there seems to be a recognition that more work is needed. I am sometimes discouraged by the types of initiatives that are put into place. I am discouraged by the fact that women when they seek to encourage and mentor leadership seem reluctant to adopt and celebrate our most accomplished female leaders. I am discouraged by the way that discussion is often hamstrung by political correctness and the unwillingness to evaluate women in the same way as men.

Posted by steve at 03:20 PM


  1. In my own church body, there are such varying attitudes on women in ministry, that while our pastor would like to see more strides towards more active roles, he feels he must take his time so as to “ease people through their deconstruction of former ideas.” I agree with his approach in ideal; however, in the meantime I feel unused and discouraged with where I am: an expert childcare worker and ladies retreats planner.

    Comment by Nicole S — July 7, 2005 @ 2:51 am

  2. Tom Wright has interesting address titled: Women’s Service in the Church: The Biblical Basis. Not directly related to EC, but it usefully frames the conversation that needs to be had.

    Comment by Paul Fromont — July 7, 2005 @ 10:31 am

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