Wednesday, September 05, 2007

blessed are the peacemakers

Howard Zehr, speaking in Christchurch on restorative justice 10 – 11.30 a.m., Thursday 13 September, Wheki 302, 3rd floor, University of Canterbury’s Dovedale Avenue site.

Howard is the Co-Director of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, and is the author of many books including Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime and Justice and The Little Book of Restorative Justice.

Posted by steve at 06:43 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

turn this post into a prayer

I needed this today: a post written by the female emergentkiwi, who is undertaking a most excellent spiritual discipline, that of paying attention to God’s world by taking a photo a day for a month. Anyhow, here is the post that I am turning into a prayer:

Piano tuners must have the awesome ability
to hear what is becoming, not just what is.
To listen and tune for the future
and not be put off by the current dischord.
A useful skill for anyone
who works with people and things
that are less than perfect
and yet capable of more.

And here is the picture:

Posted by steve at 06:26 PM

Sunday, September 02, 2007

preaching on fathers day

I am not sure about my sermon from today. It is Fathers Day here in New Zealand and we are in the midst of a 3 week series on Bible families, looking at the family system around King David. (We did a similar type of series last year, looking at the family system around Abraham).

So I preached on David and son, particularly in relation to Absalom. Here is the sermon (download file)and here are the post-sermon questions I am continuing to ponder:

1. Is this too tough to preach on Fathers Day? Don’t men get enough of a hard time about parenting?

2. Am I being unfair to David, and simply reading him as a nice 21st century male? In other words, is this a Biblical sermon, or simply the product of a 21st century mind?

3. This is pretty tough stuff – sexual abuse and dysfunctional families. Is the sermon the best way to talk about this stuff in church? If not, where and when?

4. What do visitors think of this type of sermon? Is this being hospitable to them?

Posted by steve at 04:31 PM