Sunday, December 12, 2004

advent spirituality: prepare ye the way

Advent is a time to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord in our lives. The questions below (which I picked up from somewhere in my travels but can’t remember where and would be glad to track down the source) can help our inward preparation. They can be used during Advent, or perhaps over the holidays, as we start to focus on another year.

Am I content with who I am becoming?
Do my family and friends recognize the authenticity of my Christian spirituality?
Am I generous?
Do I have a quiet centre to my life?
Have I defined my unique ministry?
Is my prayer life improving?
Have I maintained a genuine awe of God?
Is my lifestyle distinctive?
Is my “spiritual feeding” the right diet for me?
Is obedience in small matters built into my reflexes?
Is there enough celebration in my life?

Yours in Advent preparation

Posted by steve at 02:13 PM


  1. Leadership Journal, Winter 1998
    Conducting a Spiritual Audit
    Twelve questions to keep your personal accounts in order.
    by Fred Smith

    Comment by StephenG — December 14, 2004 @ 9:31 am

  2. Wow…great questions! Thanks for sharing!

    Comment by Rich — December 15, 2004 @ 8:33 am

  3. Just back and checking on what I have missed out on in, for me, a virtually computerless world and I find these questions. They so much resonate in me. Already I was asking: if something started with a need does the need any longer exist? Have some things reached their used by date? Do I have choices or must I continue to live by the expectations of others most of the time? When I recognise the complacency in our NZ Christianity how much is there in mine? AM I CONTENT WITH THE PERSON I AM BECOMING? If I change will I still be acceptable? And does that last question really matter in my rerlationship with God? All these questions of yours need answering. Thanks Steve.

    Comment by Liz — December 15, 2004 @ 5:43 pm

  4. Fantastic questions – thanks for sharing them with us, Steve.

    Comment by Mike — December 17, 2004 @ 6:57 am

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