Friday, October 15, 2004

church as holy internet

church as fluid and interlinked
church as honouring of the small, innovative
church of the Long Tail
the back catalog, older albums still fondly remembered by longtime fans or
rediscovered by new ones. There are live tracks, B-sides, remixes,
even (gasp) covers. There are niches by the thousands, genre within
genre within genre:
From Wired Magazine, available online at:

And for an potential image (warning 31K);
in The Holy internet: Communication between Churches in the First Christian Generation, Michael Thompson.


Posted by steve at 06:00 PM

1 Comment

  1. Mate, I like that. Have a top weekend. K back tomorrow…woohooo

    Comment by Paul Fromont — October 16, 2004 @ 9:04 am

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