Saturday, April 16, 2005
emerging church teens
In response to the skinny kiwi’s open letter to don carson:
some of us are babies, needing nuture, care and gentleness. to be abandoned by parents is devasting.
some of us are teenagers, still wanting the approval of our fathers and mothers. to be talked over, talked down to, unrecognised in conversation is painful.
different emerging church people, different emerging churches are at different places in this journey. this makes the current conversation difficult.
i’m praying for the day when we are all adults, the froth from my beer sitting beside the froth from Don Carson’s (or Brian’s ) latte, enjoying our differences in friendship and mutuality.
Posted by steve at 01:00 PM
Amen and amen!
Comment by Paul Fromont — April 17, 2005 @ 8:35 am