Friday, December 04, 2009

first day in the new office

freshly painted
newly carpeted
clean and fresh

and in the new office, I met with people to

  • plan Opawa’s first ever local community Christmas lunch and how to offer it with dignity
  • brainstorm about the future of the Gathering, our local mission initiative birthed this year
  • collected names in order to write thankyou cards to our voluntary leaders who serve our youth and kids (currently stands at 22 volunteers, which is pretty outstanding really)

I like that. Buildings for planning mission.

With the offices done, the builders have now started on the foyer renovations and kitchen/cafe area. In a few months, meetings could well be about

  • the cafe opening to the community
  • launching the Economic Development Fund encouraging local micro-business initiatives as part of community development
  • providing food for “Learning days”, like Job Interview Skills; Gardening Skills; Sensemaking Faith; Budgeting; TradeMe; Culturemakers Reading Group; How to Read the Bible.

All very encouraging.  Despite the Taylor’s imminent departure, all around the place I see people stepping into leadership, saying yes to a new season and preparing themselves for a new year with missionality (new word I’m coining meaning mission + intentionality).

Posted by steve at 03:53 PM


  1. Hi Steve, got photos?


    Comment by Chris McLeod — December 4, 2009 @ 8:25 pm

  2. hmmm.

    we have been taking photos as we’ve gone, and been posting them to church folk, asking for prayer, trying to involve them in the process. so i could get those up i guess.

    but it’s just an office mate, with boxes all over the floor, made special cos i’ve endured 5 months of banging and crashing in order to be here!


    Comment by steve — December 5, 2009 @ 10:56 am

  3. I’m curious because we are a couple of steps behind you here @ Brighton and in the last stage of our re-development consultation process. We are still getting a bit of vision for what we might do and what a ‘missional’ church plant might look like.


    Comment by Chris McLeod — December 5, 2009 @ 3:53 pm

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