Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Graduation charge

The annual College graduation happened on Monday evening. As part of the evening, it was suggested we introduce a charge to the graduates, something to focus them as the evening drew to an end. I was asked to have a go. Searching for inspiration, I took our Graduate outcomes, four in number and tried to weave some verbs and some theology around them.

Here is the result, a charge to graduates

We charge you to go,
Go, in the power of God’s Spirit, Advocate, Gift-giver, Bringer of life,
Go, to be a reflective thinker, to engage the richness of Christian faith with life and people, wherever you find them.

We charge you to walk,
Walk with the deep tradition of the church in history, in the footsteps of Abraham and Sarah, Priscilla and Aquila, Augustine and Aquinas
Walk as skilled practitioners, integrating theology and practice – creatively, imaginatively and wisely – wherever you find yourself.

We charge you to travel,
Travel, from the love of this community of learners
Travel as life long learners, self-directed, yet collaborative, connecting with people and communities, wherever you find them

We charge you to journey,
Journey in the name of Christ – teacher, storyteller, parable maker,
Journey, as an effective communicator, respectful in dialogue, empowering in leadership, active in justice and compassion.

We charge you.

Posted by steve at 06:16 PM


  1. A Comprehensive and impressive Charge, inspiring and challenging
    Thank you Steve.
    One could add … after Aquinas…so that I might consider adding my examples to the list…
    Best wishes, John.

    Comment by John Littleton — May 14, 2014 @ 7:51 pm

  2. Thanks John. I worked in pairs, one testament pair, one new pair, then one pair from history. I thought I will do b next year, c year after that


    Comment by Steve — May 14, 2014 @ 8:37 pm

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