Wednesday, January 31, 2007

has anyone used Elgg spaces?

One of my projects for this year is to seek to integrate some of my lecturing (in particular my teaching on Critical Missional Issues: Emerging Church and Missional Church Leadership), with my research.

I want to draw together in one place
:my catalogue of on-line emerging church (articles and blogposts I have collected that I think are important in the conversation)
:a database of emerging church communities (building on the emerging church postcards) and thus helping to move the conversation toward emerging church as living communites of practice.
: any class groups that work with me, both in New Zealand and overseas), in terms of researching emerging church and dialoguing around missional church texts (the missional reader project).

The aim is a collecting place for research and conversation on the emerging church. I would welcome co-creators and co-agencies.

Some one suggested Elgg spaces to me today as a Web 2.0 software tool. Anyone out there used it? Any comments?

Posted by steve at 02:42 PM

1 Comment

  1. I haven’t used elgg, but another idea is to try out the opensource system with

    It’s more focussed on meeting educational, needs…it facilitates public access as well as usernames & privileges. Documents can be uploaded and downloaded, and there is room for schedules and forums etc.

    The college I work at ( is working on making all subject resources (distance and face to face studies) available through moodle for this year – plus there are staff-only sections for our poilcy documents etc.


    Comment by Deb — January 31, 2007 @ 6:51 pm

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