Thursday, October 18, 2012

In scarcity there is both beauty and intrigue

“We’ve always used the limitations of the band as a creative tool almost.”


“In scarcity there is both beauty and intrigue.”

Winemaker, Chapel Hill Wines

So, might the decline of the church in the West be a good thing? Might it result in beauty, intrigue, creativity – but only if seen as a gift to be embraced, rather than a crisis to be fought.

(For two practical examples of how this might be important in leadership, see here).

Posted by steve at 09:28 PM


  1. Carrying on your food theme from the weekend, Terry Pratchett writes in one of his books about the cousine of his fantasy world’s equivalent of New Orleans…

    “And yet the wierd thing was that the cooks in Genua had nothing edible to cook; at least, not what Nanny would have thought of as food. To her mind, food went around on four legs, or possible one pair of legs and one pair of wings. Or at least it had fins on. The idea of food with more than four legs was an entirely new kettle of fi- of miscellaneous swimming things.

    They didn’t have much to cook in Genua. So they cooked everything. Nanny never heard of prawns or crawfish or lobsters, it just looked to her as though the citizens of Genua dredged the river bottom and boiled whatever came up.

    The point was that a good Genuan cook could more or less take the squeezings of a handful of mud, a few dead leaves and a pinch or two of some unpronouncable herbs and produce a meal to make a gourmet burst into tears of gratitude and promise to be a better person for the rest of their entire life if they could just have one more plateful.”

    What is God cooking up with the squeezings of a handful of mud that we are? How is God making us rethink what is food and what it means to serve the world in God’s name?

    Comment by David Ferguson — October 18, 2012 @ 10:46 pm

  2. When you noted handful of mud, I went to Genesis 2 – God making humans out of dust. Interesting creation connections


    Comment by steve — October 19, 2012 @ 8:57 am

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