Friday, May 08, 2009
It’s all in the story
Hat tip to Paul Windsor for a creative spark.
It’s all in the story – It’s the advertising byline for TV3 news. It includes billboards with fatigued reporters in Afghanistan and well-groomed presenters in city streets.
The news is to find the story and tell the story. This is not “story” as in fictional, fairy story, but story as in an eyewitness account that has implications for how then we might live.
On Sunday I start a series on the gospel of Mark. The purpose of Mark is found in 1:1
This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the son of God.
It began as the prophet Isaiah had written … (GNB)
Mark has found a story and is telling a story that has implications for how then we might live. It’s a story rooted in God’s big story – from Adam, through the liberation found in Moses, to the unifying leadership of David, to the passion for justice and the gentle comfort spoken through the prophets.
It’s a story which turns the spotlight on Jesus who is the new Adam and the real liberator and the ultimate unifier who is both comfort and passion.
Might be a story worth reporting, in person, using the best of contemporary technologies, through us as embedded journalists ready, live, with some implications of how then we might live ….
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