Friday, October 21, 2005
journal articles on emerging church
Matthew Guest & Steve Taylor, The Post-Evangelical Emerging Church: Innovations in New Zealand and the UK. A journal article I have co-authored has just been accepted for the International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church.
The entire edition (Volume 6, Number 3) is dedicated to the Emerging Church. That says something quite significant about the place of the emerging church in contemporary Christian thought. There are 9 articles under headings of Introductory overview, Contextual studies, Joining and Leaving and Theological reflection. The editorial by John Drane explores an underlying question about the nature of emerging church, namely emerging from what? (eg from post-modern culture, or from the Christian tradition or a mix of the two highlighting issues of how the Gospel should be contextualized, Christian attitudes to cultural change, etc).
Due out December 2005. You can order it here (scroll down a bit).
A list of emerging church post-graduate research (masters and PhD) is here.
thanks for the tip off – looks great…
Comment by jonny — October 21, 2005 @ 9:35 pm