Tuesday, June 28, 2005

len sweet encouragement

For those of you who don’t follow the out of bounds church? book blog, I was blown away by the following email from Len Sweet.


I assigned your book to my doctoral students, and they loved it … I thought the book was dynamite . . . and glad it exploded in the hearts of my students as well

Posted by steve at 04:27 PM


  1. And right he is to do so, because your book is both deep and encouraging, it tells of a personal way and lifestyle and combines it with a greater worldview.
    I wish it would be translated soon, because germany needs this book, more than others, that soon will be out.
    We need all the help we can get (I’m glad that Andrew Jones speaks so highly of our country) and your book really is help.
    So thank you and Len Sweet is right – it explodes!

    Comment by Bjoern Wagner — June 28, 2005 @ 5:10 pm

  2. It was a great read Steve. You can see the context of my reading by visiting: http://alternativeworship.org/paulsblog/?p=18

    You’ve produced a key text there mate. Thanks for writing it.

    Comment by Paul Roberts — June 28, 2005 @ 7:15 pm

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