Tuesday, February 19, 2008

lent cross 2008

lentcross2cropped250.jpg One of our artists, Pete Majendie, has made this cross for our 2008 Lenten Journey. It is in the shape of a door, which fits with our theme for the year; Building the Kingdom, not with a church building focus, but into our homes and workplaces. (So the cross is part of an ordinary domestic door, which will be opened for Easter Sunday).

The cross is designed to be a physical collecting point as part of our Lenten Journey. The actual journey through Lent consists of Si Smith’s 40 images and they are sent out among our community either physically (post) or digitally (email or cellphone). Then there are 6 set projects, (for more info on these go here), which allow people different ways to process the 40 days of Lent, at any level of creativity. Each project is designed to be displayed, again either physically (placed or pinned on the Lent cross) or digitally (through a website). More projects will be added each week, creating a growing momentum, and offering future participation for people next year (about 25 of our Opawa folk have asked for the resources).

The underlying idea was a desire to create a journey that could be done individually yet in community. So much of church stuff is based on come to us. What about go? So it was a great thrill on Sunday to place, on the Lent cross, photos sent to us from UK, Germany and another town in New Zealand and to have a sense that there is a global community walking Lent with us.

Posted by steve at 11:06 AM

1 Comment

  1. Great post Steve. Very thoughtful and the door is beautiful.

    It reminds me of the follow the yellow brick road theme we did one year with an oustanding Priest with the pavers you have there in front of it at my old church at Lent. We painted all the pavers yellow and placed them in the church. It was a beautiful and inviting expereince. I learned alot from him on a spiritual level.

    Please pray for my dear friend who’s a widow. Her father survived the Bataan Death March and had a stroke. She there with him alone where he lives in the hospital. He’s 83. Her husband had a head on collison with a dump truck about 13 years ago. He was pinned there while the driver went on foot for help. He almost died.

    He later drowned in the Atlantic along with his father. He(her husband) was never found. She has had much sadness to deal with in her life and raised two sons alone. Prayer from all is needed.

    Blessing at Lent for many eyes to open to the presence of the Lord and peace. And yes – – those midnight phone calls make one edgey to say the least.

    My wish is for peace always, but I often wonder if it can be found?

    Dafur is just like what happened to Jewish people during WWII with the Nazi’s. I wonder what would have happened if no stepped in there? No one stepping into those troubled waters in Dafur, or help for the Haitians. But at times war is necessary. There are no easy answers to so many questions and what if’s?

    I often think of those people in 9/ll who had to chose to leap to thier death or burn to death. A fireman told me people will jump everytime.

    Is there justice for anyone or peace to be found? Truly I wonder at times. But freewill abounds in all forms.

    Peace and blessings,


    Comment by Kim — February 21, 2008 @ 10:42 am

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