Wednesday, October 05, 2005
out of bounds book launch Auckland
You are invited … to an Auckland book launch of Steve Taylor’s book, The Out of Bounds Church? Learning to Create a Community of Faith in a Culture of Change, Zondervan, 2005.
Wednesday 12 October, 2005, 7-7:30 pm, The Community of Saint Luke, 130 Remuera Road, Remuera.
There will be
: Books available ($25) for author signing
: Drinks and nibbles
: Big ups to two Auckland church communities (Graceway and Cityside)
: Prayerful commissioning
: No charge
The Out of Bounds Church? book launch is occuring as part of the futurechurch conference. Following the book launch (from 7:30 pm) Steve Taylor and Margaret Mayman will “animate” a conversation around the theme: Disconnected? Our relationship with the Christian tradition. You are more than welcome to stay for this session. (It costs $5).
To book your nibble, RSVP by leaving a comment Tuesday 11 October.
I’ll be there. Rosemary told me about the book launch being part of the evening. Excellent! And I look forward to meeting you, having followed your blog for some time.
Comment by Craig — October 5, 2005 @ 10:26 pm
I’ll be there, fresh from reading and enjoying the book.
Peter Lineham
Comment by Peter Lineham — October 6, 2005 @ 9:50 am
Thanks Craig and Peter.
Comment by Steve — October 6, 2005 @ 4:33 pm