Monday, August 08, 2005

post-it prayers


This has worked well the last two Sunday evenings. Invite two people to stand with their backs to the audience. Give out post-it stickers and invite the rest of the congregation to write “thanks God for” prayers on the post-it’s, and place them on people’s backs.

Its a fun and interactive way to pray. It uses gifts of encouragement (which, according to the apostle Barnabas, are at the heart of the missional church). For it’s impact, on Amy, (who is part of the ministry team at Opawa) read here.

Posted by steve at 11:13 AM


  1. brilliant 🙂 I love it

    Comment by Lorna — August 12, 2005 @ 3:36 am

  2. This is great. I did a similar activation with our youth group a few weeks ago. We had several name badge stickers that said “Hello, my name is…” The assignment was to “see” someone as God sees them, or sees what God is doing in them, and then give them a name that describes them. It ended up being a great time of what I’d call “prophetic encouragement”.

    Comment by Ben — August 13, 2005 @ 3:21 am

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