Tuesday, April 24, 2007

prayer for change agent pastors

Lord, we pray for Steve,
He has a large and difficult task,
we called him to make change in this church.
Yet when he opens the windows,
it is easy to complain about the draft/draught (word choice is yours),
We pray for him today,

This was a prayer prayed at our staff gathering today. If you would like to pray, for either Steve, or for a change agent pastor you know, add your initials in the comments.

Update: a sharp-eyed blog reader has pointed out the play of word around “draft” and “draught”. Since this was a prayer prayed verbally, I am not sure whether the person praying was meaning “draft” or “draught.” Isn’t the English language fascinating? Isn’t communication fascinating? Isn’t the way we got our Bible (oral words becoming written words which were for so many centuries read as oral words in church) fascinating?

Posted by steve at 12:14 PM


  1. RH and KR ;oP

    Comment by Randall — April 24, 2007 @ 1:30 pm

  2. DW

    Comment by david whyte — April 24, 2007 @ 6:00 pm

  3. … For my buddy Randy.


    Comment by Tangira — April 25, 2007 @ 8:42 am

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