Thursday, August 21, 2008


The Taylor family leave this Friday (August 22) for a period of study leave in Adelaide. We will be guests of Parkin Wesley College and the Uniting Church of South Australia. I will return on 1 November, while the Taylor girls will return October 14.

Study leave is a block of time to equip for more effective ministry. As I work 3 days per week for Opawa (and 2 days per week for Bible College of New Zealand), my study leave goals for Opawa are to:
– invest in good family time
– do some creative writing projects
– walk and reflect and process and pray. Opawa is a very different church now – more staff, more people, more congregations, more community and mission ministry – compared to the church I came to in 2004. I am seeking clarity for our next season.
– edit some of my sermons into internet resources for a US publishing company

My study leave goals for BCNZ are to:
– teach a course on Missional Church leadership plus do some leadership coaching for the Uniting denomination
– turn that course into a book for a US publishing company
– continue to work on a number of writing projects

The kids will not being going to school, and instead working on a range of learning projects. Lynne will be working on some parts of our Angel Wings business.

In order to pay for the families flight, and for the fun activities, I am also doing a 1 day leadership seminar with the Churches of Christ denomination plus teaching a 5 day block course at Tabor College, on using the Bible today.

Not sure what I will do about the blog. Probably it will also enter a “sabbatical phase” in which I will simply post personal travel adventures, plus perhaps some best of the … old posts!

Posted by steve at 09:52 PM


  1. Wishing you all safe travel and a productive and fun time.

    Comment by Stephen — August 22, 2008 @ 12:00 am

  2. Safe travels bro!

    Comment by Spanky — August 22, 2008 @ 12:22 am

  3. Have a really great sabbatical – mine last year was a very special time of refreshment and opportunity and I pray that the same may be true for you and yours.


    Comment by Tom Allen — August 22, 2008 @ 4:15 am

  4. And we are looking forward to having you Steve! As luck (blessing) would have, your CoC day will be at our church!

    Comment by mark — August 22, 2008 @ 4:16 pm

  5. I opened your web page thinking “I wonder how Steve’s sabbatical is going”… and there is the answer to my question – travel well!

    Comment by KSW — August 23, 2008 @ 8:01 pm

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