Sunday, July 04, 2004

sermon bibliography

most essays I have marked this week have included a bibliography.

So what would a sermon bibliography look like? Well this week, I would like to acknowledge .:
The Bible
John Driver’s Understanding the atonement for the mission of the Church
Dr Suess’, Horton the Elephant
U2’s, Pride in the name of love
James Belich’s, History of New Zealand.

A very eclectic mix!!

Posted by steve at 04:41 PM


  1. Nice mixture! Mine included the history of the Beatles, Shakespeare’s Sonnets, The Life and work of Elizabeth Barret Browning, the Bible, Torrance’s Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace, and Anton Chekhov.
    Like yours – much more interesting than an essay bibl. !!

    Comment by maggi — July 4, 2004 @ 7:30 pm

  2. 🙂 mine included U2’s “Wake up Dead man” and “Walk On”, Newsweek’s exclusive on Spider-Man 2, An old Theological word book of the Bible edited by Alan Richardson and of course The Gospel of Luke 18-19 – The religious leader, the twelve disciples, the blind begger and Zach! (with a Mini-episode from Judges 1 on Caleb’s Daughter’s request)

    Comment by Sivin Kit — July 4, 2004 @ 8:06 pm

  3. James Belich (2 Volumes) or Michael King?

    Comment by Paul Fromont — July 5, 2004 @ 8:28 am

  4. Great idea. Behind my sermon for this coming week:
    Luke 10:25-37
    Texts for Preaching (Cousar, Gaventa, et al.)
    Lovingkindness, Sharon Salzburg
    U2’s ’40’; also ‘Please’ (video only)
    a lecture by Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian in New York City
    assorted news reports on Al-Qaida
    Compassion, Henri Nouwen
    two recent local pastoral experiences
    Eugene Peterson’s translation of the shorter Pauline Epistles, esp. Galatians
    Commentary on Luke, Howard Marshall

    Comment by Beth — July 7, 2004 @ 1:56 am

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