Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Spirit walk: a great example of a spiritual takeway

This is fascinating example of spirit2g, of offering spiritual takeaways.

From the creative, missional mind of Ben Edson, (who planted Sanctus, a Fresh Expression in Manchester) it’s linked with the Manchester Mind Body Spirit Fair and involves six locations around the city centre broadcasting six meditations. Participants collect a set of headphones and a map from the ‘Spirit of Life’ stand and then go on a 30 minute pilgrimage interacting with the urban environment, opening themselves to glimmers of the Divine.

And more (from here)

The meditations, of both words and music, will provide a unique soundscape for the site this year, reflecting on both the site location and also on a particular stage of the silent journey

I love how it’s urban and outdoors. I love how it lets the person set the pace. I love the tactility of it. All I’d want to add is some way for people to engage and enter conversation. Perhaps this happens as the headsets are returned.

Posted by steve at 08:17 AM


  1. Cheers Steve – thanks for the encouragement.

    It’s linked to a stand that we have at the MBS fair called ‘Spirit of Life’ so that we where we hope conversation can happen. I’ll post a link to the site later this week when it goes live.

    BTW – next stage is to plan SW’s in other cities…

    Comment by Ben Edson — November 17, 2010 @ 8:48 am

  2. what a some sort of digital community. get a totally different response than face to face?


    Comment by steve — November 17, 2010 @ 12:22 pm

  3. i used to do this kind of thing myself when in canberra. i’d plan a series of tracks into my mp3 player depending on the place where i was going, so if it were the art gallery i’d present myself with a series of tracks for various spaces. worked especially well for the bill viola exhibitions…

    one really doesn’t need to provide headphones any longer, all you need to do is provide a website with the map as a download and a mp3 tracklist chosen to go with the trek as a download with the map.

    if you had enough people participating you could do individual maps and treks for the art spaces in a city, particular spaces linked with a theme (reconciliation, grief, hope)

    i’m also interested in the idea of geocaching something like this, perhaps hiding the mp3 players about the city in a way that different people get to experience the music and perhaps images and practices before they return the item back to the space and move on.

    this’d be a good fringe festival activity…

    Comment by darren — November 19, 2010 @ 12:16 am

  4. caching – now that’s got some possibilities.

    Fringe. Or Womad! tick tick … it would have to include Adelaide by Paul Kelly of course

    Comment by steve — November 20, 2010 @ 8:36 am

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