Wednesday, March 15, 2006

that moment you dread: updated

Last week I got that email I was dreading. “I was wondering if you had any copies of your PhD left that you got made into a smaller book size? If so could I purchase one of you?”

thesis with title.jpg

When I completed my PhD in 2004, I wondered if people would want copies, yet knew that it was cheaper to do a bulk run. So I offered a Graduation special, hoping that if their was sufficient interest, to do a bulk run and thus cut costs. I also took a bit of a punt and did a few extras, suspecting that requests might trickle in over the years.

They did. I sold my last extra a week ago. And then, you guessed it, I got that dreaded email, requesting a copy. So I am going to repeat the offer and see if I get enough requests to make it worth generating another run.

Update: Here’s one happy purchaser, who comments: “Go purchase its excellent and a valuable resource!”

Here’s the PhD details:

A New Way of Being Church is a world first, an indepth academic exploration of how the emerging church responds to cultural change. It asks the question; how effective is the emerging church as a postmodern expression of faith? It takes one particular church, the innovative Cityside Baptist Church in New Zealand. It surveys 48 members and discusses three months of worship innovation. It deeply engages with themes of community, creativity and culture, in dialogue with the gospel and with postmodern thinkers. It draws on interviews and visits with 13 alt.worship communities in UK.

The thesis argues that in response to contemporary cultural change, people are, in the words of French philosopher Michel de Certeau, “making do,” engaging in transformative processes to creatively subvert their surrounding context.

Three processes of “making do” were evident. Firstly, the use of a communitarian hermeneutic in which individual meaning was located within the narrative of the community. Secondly, the offering of imaginative space – both individual and communal – through practices of creative play, storytelling and creative pilgrimage. Thirdly, like a DJ, “tactics” of sampling from various cultural artefacts were used in order to renegotiate their relationship with gospel and culture.

Note: $NZ25 to cover printing costs plus P&P. (P&P approximately from NZ to USA or UK = $NZ20; From NZ to Australia = $NZ10, within NZ = $3.50). Credit card options for payment are available.

Note: This offer lasts until the 1 April 2006 and the thesis will be sent at the end of April or on receipt of payment, whichever is the latest.

Note: Usual copyright applies.

Note: This offer assumes that the purchaser recognises that a PhD is a PhD, written for a select intellectual audience. A PhD is a demanding read and it bears little resemblance to my book, the out of bounds church?

Drop me your details if interested.

Feel free to use the accompanying graphic to advertise this on your blog.
img alt=”thesis with title.jpg” src=” with title.jpg” width=”259″ height=”72″ border=”0″ /

Posted by steve at 12:47 PM


  1. No idea what the exchange rates work out as… but I would definatley be interested in a copy!

    Comment by Mark Berry — March 15, 2006 @ 12:46 pm

  2. Cost likely to be: 30 USD or 18 Pounds sterling (posted to UK/USA).

    Comment by lynne — March 15, 2006 @ 1:17 pm

  3. I would definitely be interested – US

    Comment by Makeesha — March 15, 2006 @ 2:17 pm

  4. Would like a copy too – UK

    Comment by Nigel — March 16, 2006 @ 1:45 am

  5. have you thought of publishing it through lulu… I just bought a book from them (a copy of the compexchrist blog).

    Comment by Graham Doel — March 16, 2006 @ 2:18 am

  6. Go purchase its excellent and a valuable resource!

    Comment by Gary Manders — March 16, 2006 @ 10:58 am

  7. I woulde be interested (as a resource for my own PhD-study.)

    Mike, Basel (Switzerland)

    Comment by Mike Bischoff — March 23, 2006 @ 10:04 pm

  8. I would definitely be interested, yet it sounds quite expensive as for central/eastern Europe. What about an e-book in lulu?

    Comment by mih [Poland] — April 5, 2006 @ 2:17 am

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