Saturday, November 10, 2007

the work of God in place and space

in preparing to pray tomorrow, I started to reflect on how our church buildings have been used in the past week:


We take up our offering glad of good gifts,
glad of the actions of God through our work this week

And glad of the actions of God through the work of this church this week.
We remember that during the week past,
this church has been,
a place of worship and preaching,
a place of learning about How to read the Old Testament and spoken English for new migrants,
a haven for victims of domestic violence,
a prayer and meeting place for ministry leaders and Board,
a prayer and coffee place for our staff team,
a planning place for worship and services and the future,
a discipling place in areas of Quiet times and marriage preparation,
a fun place for our Brigades and crafts,
a preparing place as a team works on starting mainly music next year,
a painting place, as work has started on refreshing and repainting across the road,
a video shooting place in preparation for advertising the 2007 Christmas Journey on the internet

And so O God of place and space,
in our giving, we are joining with your work in and about this church. Amen

If you found this prayer helpful, other prayers I have written for public worship are here

Posted by steve at 03:33 PM

1 Comment

  1. As always the best angle on your space and building

    Comment by jo wall — November 12, 2007 @ 9:36 am

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