Thursday, May 06, 2010

Where does the hope come from? guest lecture at Queensland Synod

I’ve been asked to deliver something called the Norman and Mary Miller Lecture, to the Uniting Church Queensland Synod, on May 23. So I’ve been chewing away on what I might say and how. So much, so little time. Here is my current thinking.

TITLE: Where does the hope come from?

(The title is a deliberate play with my Principal Andrew Dutney’s book, titled Where did the joy come from? He’s from Queensland and in the book he explores the history of how the Uniting Church was formed. Which got me thinking about what it might mean to frame mission in terms of “where does the hope come from?).

BLURB: The task of the Norman and Mary Miller lecture is to apply the Church’s past witness to the social context of the modern day. In recognition of Rev Norman Millar’s work in Church Extension, Steve will reflect on his recent ministry experience, which involved leading an established church in a transition into a new mission future.  This ministry story will be set within a leadership framework, in particular the recent NCLS research into Australian leadership. It will also chart the mission lessons learnt and the implications for a theology of change. Steve will seek to weave personal experience, theological reflection and contemporary understandings of leadership and mission.

Posted by steve at 03:24 PM


  1. The hope comes from the same place as the joy. Check the Nicene Creed for directions. Check the world around for details.

    Comment by Andrew Dutney — May 7, 2010 @ 2:10 am

  2. what if joy came from what God did in the past, love is what energises us in the now, and hope is what calls us onward and forward?

    breathe deep those Cappadocians boss,


    Comment by steve — May 7, 2010 @ 7:28 am

  3. Hi Steve – it is also interesting to think about joy-love-hope in this way…Joy is the result of the moment Love is the moment Hope births the moment…where the moment is the Kingdom of God.

    I look forward to hearing your lecture (yep I’m a Qld’er)


    Comment by Peter — May 11, 2010 @ 12:55 pm

  4. Peter, lovely to beach walk with you this morning. I like what you say about love, joy and hope – pray that what I say might be of some use


    Comment by steve — May 21, 2010 @ 1:39 pm

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