Saturday, November 27, 2010

Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? of Fresh Expressions

My task this weekend including needing to explain (twice, once in seminar, once in sermon) fresh expressions in 25 minutes. I decided to use journalism’s Five Ws as a frame. To give some Biblical grounding, I used Luke 10. So here is a Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? of Fresh expressions, using Luke 10:1-11.

Who? Ordinary “no-name” disciples. In other words, any and all. Fresh expressions invites a lay revolution
What? Fresh expressions began. 36 gatherings of people around Kingdom story and Kingdom activity.
Where? At tables of local villages. In other words, not in church buildings, but in any and all places in our local communities
When? A long time ago. And through church history. And it continues today.
Why? Because of missio Dei: “It’s not the church of God that has a mission, but the God of mission who has a church”.
How? In Luke 10 through six principles and practices of
1: Going (v 1-2)
2: Vulnerability, taking nothing but peace in a willingness to receive hospitality (3-4)
3: Listening, for where God is active in our community in the return of peace (v.5)
4: Dwelling at table, building deeply human relationships in existing communities and networks of relationships (v. 7)
5: Discerning God’s fingerprints, paying attention to where God might be at work in the fullness of shalom (v. 9)
6: Discussing the Kingdom, in response to healing to engaging in conversations about Kingdom of God is near (v. 9, 11)

So there you are, my take on Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? of Fresh expressions.

I also put together some prayer stations, so for those who want to engage Fresh expressions using interactive learning cf just words

The communion table
Communion. This is my body, which is for you

In Luke 10 there are potentially multiple communion tables. The initial sending table of verse 1 and then the 36 tables at which the disciples speak peace, and potentially see the Kingdom accepted. How do multiple tables shape our understandings of communion?

Sit at the communion table. Consider who from your community and networks is not here. Are you expecting them to come to you? Or should you be going to them? How should mission shape our understandings of communion?

The pond
Plastic splash pool, filled with water. Origami pattern and sheets of paper.

In Luke 10, the disciples are sent out in 2’s. This suggests mission is not a solo act, but a shared partnership.

What does mission as shared partnership currently look like in your community? What could mission as shared partnership (realistically, given your lifestyles) look like in your community?

Make a boat using the provided instructions. Make it as a prayer, for mission as shared partnership. When you finish, you might like to name your boat. As you consider Luke 10, what one word should shape your shared mission as a church? When ready set your boat free. Blow it gently, praying for the wind of the Spirit

The tables
On the wall, there is a big sheet of paper. It is covered with pictures of different tables.

In Luke 10, Jesus sends the 72 “no-name” disciples, to 36 homes, to dwell at tables. Presumably all 36 are different. Where are the “tables-beyond-Sunday” for your community?

Write down –
either inside an existing table
or by drawing your own –
the names of the “tables-beyond-Sunday” in your community.

The spoons
The call of Luke 10 includes the speaking peace, and the willingness to “stay there, eating and drinking whatever is put before you”?

Who are the people you share relationships with? Where are the places you need to speak peace? What does it mean for you to stay in these relationships?

Write people’s initials on the provided spoon. As a speaking of peace, place the initialed spoon in the provided central jar.

Posted by steve at 09:06 PM


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by emergentkiwi, Sarah Agnew. Sarah Agnew said: RT @emergentkiwi: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? of Fresh expressions. […]

    Pingback by Tweets that mention sustain:if:able kiwi » Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? of Fresh Expressions -- — November 28, 2010 @ 8:40 am

  2. How? Pay for the images you’re stealing off the internet? Thou shall not steal, and yet the watermark on the images illustrate you’re not paying for your use of them.

    Comment by squishy — February 9, 2011 @ 9:07 pm

  3. The website where the image comes from says “Royalty Free Stock Image” and “Our images can be used and modified for web designs (websites, widgets, headers, icons, banners)”

    So I’d assumed I was simply following instructions


    Comment by steve — February 10, 2011 @ 10:55 am

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