Tuesday, February 24, 2004

a moving Sunday

It was my first Sunday at Opawa.

At the door everyone got given 2 pieces of Ello opolis; a type of lego. The Bible text was 1 Corinthians 12; each body unique. As a response at the end of the service, I invited everyone to join their Ello to the person beside them. These were handed from person and person down the rows, and then brought to the front, where about 5 people built “the new Opawa; each body part unique” – while we sung “Be Thou My Vision.”

It was a very moving to see this uniquely new creation emerge.

(I wanted to grab a digital photo for you, but the kids arrived first!)

PS A number of people commented on how having something tactile to play with during the service enhanced their attention span. This is at the heart of creativity; if we treat people as whole people, they are more likely to learn and grow as whole followers of Jesus.

Posted by steve at 12:36 PM

1 Comment

  1. Brilliant. I wish I’d read this before last Sunday night. I was using the same text.I rejoice in your creativity.

    Comment by Paul — February 24, 2004 @ 12:53 pm

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