Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Ritual to mark new beginnings
This is a family ritual to mark a new beginning and to pray for fresh life.
Take a packet of seeds, preferably fast growing flowers, especially if you have young children. Remind the kids of the new beginnings they are experiencing.
Together clear the earth, ideally in a place that you will pass often as a family. Give seeds to everyone in the family. Plant them together as an act of prayer, that new life will emerge and that fresh colour will spring forth.
Posted by steve at 09:43 PM
We handed out seeds in our all-church celebration last Sunday. Seeds of quick growing flowers. It was to mark our 2004 theme of “breaking new ground” based upon Luke 8. Reminds us of our need to spread the gospel liberally and not necessarily carefully.
Comment by phil — February 25, 2004 @ 12:19 pm
I’ve used seeds before too in a contemplative service looking at hope in the darkness. Using things like Eckhart’s statement “The ground of the soul is dark” and the 2 Cor 4:7-11 image of treasure hidden in clay pots we had people come up and fill small terracotta pots with a really dark potting mix and plant a seed chosen a mixed seed mix. Then at the end they took the pots and looked after them to see what beautiful surprise came out of the dark soil. Over the following weeks we’d get feedback from people talking about their plants growing – a living reminder of the hope that Christ gives.
Comment by Stephen — February 26, 2004 @ 9:24 am