Thursday, August 15, 2013

Adelaide mission-shaped ministry reunion

Tonight is an Adelaide reunion of mission-shaped ministry course participants.

We’re bringing together folk from the 2011 (45 participants meeting at Burnside Uniting) and 2012 (15 participants meeting at City Soul) courses. For reasons of community and coaching.

Regarding community, they’ve not met each other, yet both been through the same experiences. They’ve both experienced ecumenism, hospitality, community, interaction and input around fresh expressions, pioneering and mission-shaped ministry. So it will be fascinating to see what happens as people that are strangers, yet share a similar experience, and hopefully passion, mingle.

Regarding coaching, we’re also hoping to get some energy moving around the what next of coaching in community. The mission-shaped ministry course is not about information transfer, but about the invitation to participate in mission. So, since they were commissioned, since they left with a range of hopes and dreams, what has happened.

We’re not sure, so we’ve designed the following process.

Story Telling – It will be suggested that stories can come in three shapes and sizes

  • mountaintop moment – a time when something clicked, when you achieved something, when you felt you’d made a significant step forward
  • dark forest moment – a time when you’ve felt alone, isolated, lost, unsure
  • angel moment – a time when something happened that caused you to go “wow, that’s a coincidence/spooky/God”

So, as we think about mission-shaped ministry – do folk have a story they’d like to share? We hope this invitation will get people connecting across the year groups.

Traffic Light Coaching – We will invite people to  get into the traffic light that most describes your experience with mission-shaped ministry since the course ended.

  • Red – with regard to mission-shaped ministry – what has caused us to stop; who/what has stopped you? what questions does that leave us with?
  • Orange – with regard to mission-shaped ministry- what needs to change – in us, in our churches, in our communities? what questions does that leave us with?
  • Green – with regard to mission-shaped ministry- what life and growth are we seeing – in us, in our churches, in our communities? what questions does that leave us with?

We hope that this mix of storytelling and conversation will help us look back, and forward generating energy and shared mission in  Adelaide.

Posted by steve at 11:47 PM


  1. Great process designs for lively conversation- rural and urban too. I like it. Hope that the combined event went well and that there were lots of green light people with angel moments on the mountains. Kind regards, John.

    Comment by John Littleton — August 16, 2013 @ 5:42 pm

  2. Thanks John. Lots of green lights. Quite a few angel moments. But also space to share dark forests and realise that discernment includes death, as well as life,


    Comment by steve — August 16, 2013 @ 6:48 pm

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