Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Emergent tribes
Preparation for the San Diego -U.S.-trip
If I were to sketch a range of distinct emergent tribes, I would note …
Evangelicalism with a navel piercing – This tribe gathers to sing and preach. The theology seems familiar, even when done with candles, a trendy piercing, loud bass beat or bleached hair.
Art collective tends to be visible monthly, around highly creative worship. The use of video, contemporary music and hip graphics ensure a service of the cool. Followed by the requisite pub visit.
Nu monastic a recent innovation. It needs a place, whether café, tea rooms, free wi-fi or art gallery. From an incarnational location, emerges a life that embraces regular prayer ritual, committed relationships and creativity. Can be very expensive.
House church very difficult to see publicly. More often found in a lounge, over food, desperately seeking community. Structure and leadership are dirty words that are replaced by vulnerability, relationship and the Kingdom of God.
What tribes, what detail, am I missing?
Starbucks…aromatic blends
deep table talk conversation on the decentralizing of New Testament theology…from a single view into a much more panoramic vision.
Comment by ron cole — January 26, 2005 @ 12:34 am
Starbucks…aromatic blends continued
cost is realtively cheap…the price of cup of coffee. Down side…the conversation is never ending. conversation can become quite excitable and animated…depending on the strength of the coffee.
Comment by ron cole — January 26, 2005 @ 12:40 am
i see a lot of this type of “coffee interaction” on the www, thru blogs. do you see it happenning in local church forms, ie concrete, local expressions?
Comment by steve — January 26, 2005 @ 9:46 am
Hi Steve,
I wish I could say I was seeing it with in the context of local churches. But have experienced it only in a couple of alt worship cafe’ type settings.But I wonder if there aren’t a few more emergent tribes in exile that are wandering underneath the radar…and not being picked up. I think there may be more of it going on than we think, but again maybe because of fear it does get talked about in the open in local churches. Hopefully maybe more people can tell us whats going on under the radar.
Comment by ron — January 26, 2005 @ 1:03 pm
Have you see this chart from the Community of St. Hilda and St. Aidan yet?: http://www.aidan.org.uk/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=57&func=fileinfo&parent=category&filecatid=8
If not, have a peek. What think ye?
Comment by Rich — January 27, 2005 @ 12:09 pm
I’ve tried to ping but can’t connect.
Thanks for sparking something in my imagination. I’m kind of disappointed that more tribes haven’t been put forward.
I started to think about the lost tribes! I’m sure that they are there…waiying to be uncovered!
Comment by Gordon — January 29, 2005 @ 2:44 am