Monday, August 04, 2008

if i’m not there, start without me

I coach leaders in two cities, Auckland and Hamilton, around missional leadership issues. The contract is for a package that includes 10 gatherings, supplied reading with internet engagement, work around missional practices; integrated through two projects that open up the possibility of change within churches and communities.

It’s personally demanding, but fun to be helping leaders in other cities explore change in their patch. On Friday my plane was delayed and I arrived late. I entered to find the group reading Luke 10:1-12 together and preparing to Dwell around this Bible text. If I’m not there, start without me. Both courses are coming to an end, and both courses have decided to keep meeting. I have never before lectured classes that have wanted to continue without me! It says something about the richness found in each other and the need to keep working at the missional issues. It also says something about the way the class has been taught, giving practices and modelling ways to lead that cultivate organic group processes, rather than creating a dependency on the leadership by one.

As I write on the lecture notes by way of definition: “Missional church is not about programs and projects but about the gathering of people concerned with God’s purpose into the wider community. Students will explore the Biblical paradigms, skills, imaginations and capacities required to lead a missional church. The course is heavily focused on ministry contexts and deliberately designed to suit people in ministry.”

After Friday it could read; Missional church is not about lecturers and outside experts but about the gathering of people concerned with God’s purpose into the wider community. Students will explore among themselves the Biblical paradigms, skills, imaginations and capacities required to lead a missional church.

I am having communication with various bodies about next year: and me running similar courses in Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and Hamilton again. I always look for a mix of denominations and contexts, so if you want to explore missional church leadership and this – ignore the dates, which were for 2007/8 might work for you, drop me a line.

Posted by steve at 09:04 AM


  1. Steve, i think you exemplify the new kiwi leader that is constantly thinking about how his or her ministry is bigger than the leader and i was having a discussion the other day with one of my leaders about this point and i said that i expect this group to flourish and carry on growing long after i am gone.

    Is this not the model left by Christ?

    Comment by Warwick Tomlinson — August 4, 2008 @ 11:06 am

  2. Hey Steve, I have found your web page really help as a I think about mission and ministry in my context. Any plans for a course based in Wgtn??? K

    Comment by KSW — August 4, 2008 @ 5:34 pm

  3. I second the call for a Wellington course!

    Comment by Jono — August 5, 2008 @ 10:27 am

  4. Jono, do you want to met for coffee and talk about missional church?

    Comment by KSW — August 5, 2008 @ 12:53 pm

  5. Love to do one in Wellington. It’s much easier to get to than Hamilton or Auckland. I need 12 people to make it worthwhile, plus a venue and a good host. I prefer to have a mix of denominations cos it adds so much to the room.

    I spoke at Wellington Clergy conf this year, and so could check out whether any from there might be interested. Plus there might be a renegade Baptist floating around.


    Comment by steve — August 6, 2008 @ 11:10 pm

  6. Hi mate. Sorry the hear the news above, but pleased that the funeral went well. All s going very well over here. A real roller-coaster…. but some good progress… You have been mentioned often… and in very positive and helpful ways.

    Comment by Paul Fromont — August 7, 2008 @ 12:15 am

  7. thanks Paul and I wish I could be with you at the allelon gathering in zambia. pastoral life and it’s toll on me personally simply got too demanding here at opawa.

    there is a sense of release in being able to say no to something, even if it was a trip to Africa 🙂 !


    Comment by steve — August 7, 2008 @ 2:25 pm

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