Thursday, August 23, 2012

taking the sense making faith challenge

I was most pleased with how the Magarey lectures whole Bible, whole people, whole mission series of retreat reflections ended. I concluded by pointed out how the whole time had been a risk. They had trusted me and they I had trusted them. Together we had trusted God and it had been rich.

So why not continue this pattern of risk together? In preparation I had identified 5 “sense” projects (gathered from Sense Making Faith Body Spirit Journey). I had typed them up, photocopied them and cut them into separate cards. I walked around the room, inviting folk to take one.

Here was the risk. That rather than me give them some options that they might or might not to when they got back home, that they would commit to do whatever sense project was on the card they chose.

And the next time they gather, to be accountable by telling the stories of what happened.

And then I played the scene from Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, when Lucy steps through the wardrobe into another world. It’s a wonderful 2 minutes of taking a risk, to discover a whole new world. A wonderful invitation, a great ending.

Here were the 5 sense challenges. Dare you to take close your eyes, place your finger on the screen and just do whatever one your finger is closest to …..

Eyes: design and make an advent calendar. The images can be traditional or contemporary. The advent calendar can also be used in schools or displayed on a notice board outside the church – perhaps one image per day.

Ears: organise an evening when people are invited to bring their favourite “spiritual” music. Play each. Invite the person to share why they brought it and what memories it triggers for them.

Taste: Organise a wine or juice tasting and ask people to concentrate on describing the smell of the drinks. The descriptions could be written on a board or on post it notes. Make a note of what people say about the communion juice/wine. You can encourage the group to follow up any friendships made with others through this activity with an invitation card or a few lines about the Last Supper or Holy Communion.

Touch: Invite someone from the local community or local hospital who practices some form of therapeutic touch therapy to come and talk about what they do and to give a talk or demonstration.

Taste: Organise a party, either in someone’s home or by asking members of the group each to bring a contribution to a shared meal, or by organizing a fish and chip supper or some other celebration. This is intended to be a purely social and hospitable occasion. There is no outcome to this meal – just allow everyone to enjoy themselves.

Posted by steve at 07:01 PM

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